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Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

A Bad Reputation Will Lose You Sales. What's Your Ebay Reputation Really Worth?

Your eBay reputation is everything you are on eBay – without it, you're nothing. Your reputation is worth as much as every sale you will ever make.

If you've ever bought anything on eBay (and the chances are you have), then think about your own behaviour. Buying from a seller with a low feedback rating makes you feel a little nervous and insecure, while buying from a PowerSeller with their reputation in the thousands doesn't require any thought or fear – it feels just like buying from a shop.

A Bad Reputation Will Lose You Sales.

In fact, a bad reputation will lose you almost all your sales. If someone leaves you negative feedback, you will feel the pain straight away, as that rating will go right at the top of your user page for everyone to see. Who's going to want to do business with you when they've just read that you "took a month to deliver the item", or that you had "bad communication and sent a damaged item"? The answer is no-one.

Your next few items will need to be very cheap things, just to push that negative down the page. You might have to spend days or even weeks selling cheap stuff to get enough positive feedback to make anyone deal with you again.

It's even worse if you consistently let buyers leave negative feedback – once you get below 90% positive ratings, you might as well be invisible.

You Can't Just Open a New Account.

Besides eBay's rules about only having one account, there are far more downsides than that to getting a new account. You literally have to start all over again from scratch.

You won't be able to use all the different eBay features. Your existing customers won't be able to find you any more. Your auctions will finish at a lower price because of your low feedback rating. Opening a new account is like moving to a new town to get away from a few people who are spreading rumours about you: it's throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

A Good Reputation Will Get You Sales.

When a PowerSeller tells me something, I tend to believe them. They can be selling a pretty unlikely item, but if they guarantee it is what they say it is, then I trust them – they're not going to risk their reputation, after all. This is the power of a reputation: people know you want to keep it, and they know you'll go to almost any lengths to do so.

This is true even to the point that I would sooner buy something for $20 from a seller I know I can trust than for $15 from someone with average feedback. It's worth the extra money to feel like the seller knows what they're doing, has all their systems in place and will get me the item quickly and efficiently.

You really will find selling on eBay so much easier, and there's only way to get a good reputation: make sure you please your customers every time. But some customers can be, well, just a little difficult to please. In the next email, we ask: is the eBay customer always right?

We Live In A System Of Beliefs

The following article about beliefs is just an expression of my thoughts. It is certainly not definitive.

In my opinion, we live our life on the basis of beliefs. We, literally live in a huge belief system. So seamlessly integrated (into our world) are some beliefs that most people assume that they are natural and accepted them without questioning.

The very act of reading this article is belief-based, because the very construct that is formed in your head now is conceptual & of the thinking mind. Perhaps, what really is does not just exist as concepts, but also exists in the NOW as experience. Although one is able to describe or conceptualize a truth, the conceptualization is itself a thought.

Beliefs can be very powerful, especially when the majority of the population buys into it. Sometime a certain belief when set in motion, causes catalytic reactions, triggering the formation of yet other beliefs. Gradually, layers upon layers of beliefs mire directness and truth. So thickly laden with beliefs and far removed from the original spontaneity that life becomes unnecessarily complex and ritualized.

Major beliefs operating in our world are:

Identification of self with physical body.
When in actual fact, we are much more than that. This belief can be very difficult to un-ravel. And it takes many series of self-discovery to realize our true nature. The entire scope of this belief is beyond what can be expressed within this article. So I will leave it as that.

War is borne out of beliefs that justify aggression to others that is participated by large groups. War itself is a belief, because nature and animals do not engage in it. Only humans do it, because it was conceived in the human mind, and it isn't natural or essential to human conditions. Military is an offshoot borne from War

Money buys happiness.
A belief that most thought of as true is that money gives one happiness. Happiness does not need money to fulfill, one merely made oneself believe so! The concept of Money set in motion the belief in status, status breeds competition, competition breeds the rat race, rat race cause one to slog a life time working and eventually few remembered the original purpose of life was for joy and fulfillment.

A person's worth that is dictated by factors such as financial abundance and rank. This one creates much suffering in very hierarchical societies. This one is closely related to 'money buys happiness.'

It is a most prevalent belief in our civilization. Everywhere in this world of ours, perfectionism is regarded as good while imperfection is bad. Everybody wants everybody else to be perfect. Is Perfection really an absolute value? I think not.
In my opinion, it is relative and is borne of human conception. Perfection is an idea. Things are the way they are. Perfection and imperfection are attached values.

The concept of country is just a belief in the ownership of land. Essentially, humans did not create land therefore nobody owns it. Patriotism is an offshoot belief borne from 'country'. When there are no countries and no wars, there are no needs for Patriotism.

Well, I think I have rambled enough. Thank you for reading.

Rediscovering Grilled Pizza

America's favorite food has long been the pizza cooked in a traditional oven but is that about to change? While most Americans have probably never indulged in a grilled pizza, the origins of pizza are making a big comeback. There is no denying that we love our traditional backyard barbeque but rarely, if ever has the barbeque included grilling a pizza. Despite the seemingly odd combination of grill and pizza, the grill is the ideal tool for cooking pizza and in fact is deep in the origin of pizza making. The high, dry heat is ideal for a nice crisp crust and the flavor provided from your grill will on a whole new world of backyard grilling.

Before the word pizza was ever used, Greeks and Romans used wood-fired brick ovens to prepare the original version of pizza – flatbread. In ancient times each diner was given a piece of flat bread along with a piece of meat on the bread. This food was eaten with the fingers with an occasional knife to cut the meat. Little did they know that this would eventually spark the creation one of the America's favorite foods.

Grilled Pizza Techniques:

1 teaspoon dried yeast
1 tablespoon soy oil
1 teaspoon sugar
½ cup warm water (110°F)
1 ½ cup bread flour
1 tablespoon soy flour
1 teaspoon salt

Combine yeast, sugar and ½ cup very warm water in bowl, let sit for five minutes. Combine flour and salt in bowl. Mix yeast mixture with bowl containing dry ingredients. Add a little extra flour if dough is sticky. Knead for a good 10 minutes. Put into a greased bowl and let rise for 60 minutes until it doubles in size. Turn out onto a floured surface then knead lightly until smooth. Roll out into a ¼" thick, 12" diameter circle. The thinner the dough is rolled, the better
Before placing your crust on the grill, be sure that your grill is both clean and well oiled. This will help prevent the dough from sticking to the grill. You will need something large enough to transport your dough to the grill. A pizza spatula is highly recommended for this task. Brush an even coat of extra virgin olive oil on the side that will be facing down first. The oil will introduce flavor and help to keep the dough from sticking to the grill as well as giving the crust a nice crisp finish. Before placing your pizza on the grill, you may want to remove the top rack of your grill to make it easier to flip your pizza. Cook the first side from 1-3 minutes before flipping depending on the heat of your grill. During this time you will need to brush olive oil on the side that is facing up. While cooking the first side, peak under the edge of the crust to monitor its finish. Cook until you are satisfied with the finish and then flip your crust over. After flipping, immediately apply any topping that you would like. It's highly recommended that you keep the topping very light, as they will not have a chance to cook on the grill without burning the crust. You may consider precooking certain ingredients such as meats and thick vegetables. Be sure to lower the lid as soon as possible to trap the heat in and finish cooking the toppings. Cook the pizza for an additional 2-3 minutes or until you are satisfied with the crust's finish.

You are now ready to experience one great pizza with deep tradition. Cut your pizza into triangle shaped slices or try cutting them into 1" wide strips. This shape is great for a party snacks!

Feel and performance, Fax Paper offers the look

Today's fax machines, fax cartridges and fax rolls are inexpensive enough that just about every office and many homes have this capability. These automated machines are small, easy to use and affordable to purchase and operate.

Super Fax Paper offers the look, feel and performance of plain paper! No need to photocopy 10 years image preservation is guaranteed; reducing duplication costs and increases savings. About 30% thicker than regular fax paper, there will be no page curling and makes it easier to handle and re-transmit.

Fax cartridges and fax rolls of paper are very common in the workplace today. We hardly even think about it before we tell someone to "fax that over to me". Faxes make life so much easier for us than in the past when things had to be mailed back and forth through the postal system.

The fax machine was actually invented long ago. Alexander Bain invented the fax machine in 1843 and received a patent. He was a Scottish mechanic and his idea was an off-shoot of Samuel Morse's invention of the telegraph. In 1902, Dr. Arthur Korn made improvements to the machine adding the photoelectric system to the idea. AT&T worked to improve the technology and in 1924 created a means of transmitting pictures for newspapers over long distances. In 1955, the first fax transmission across the continent occurred. Since then, there has been amazing progress.

To Best describe the kind of paper to use in a plain paper fax machine lets "Look At the Fax" and alternately exactly what the fax machine is for that is what level of professionalism does the fax owner he/she require to get the job done. If said fax owner deals in law, real-estate or any other type of professional capacity then a high grade, top of the line, manufacturer suggested paper should work very well. This paper works equally as well if the fax is also used as a convenience copier. However if the plain paper fax is used more on a personal level lets say exchanging recipes, sending stuff that needs a signature, personal credit applications, resumes, maps to where the parties are etc. Then just do what I do grab all the one-side used fax paper that comes from your work, they just use it for scrap paper anyhow and put that in your fax and send it.

Time Commitment

There is no doubt about it; we live in a hectic society that does not show any signs of slowing pace any time soon. To relive some of the stress associated with always being on the go, many people have turned to spas to help them melt away the worries of the world. But what if you don't have thousands of dollars and a full week to devote to becoming one with yourself and nature? The answer could be as simple as day spas.

Day spas are a relatively new phenomenon. In the early 80s, there were only a handful of day spas scattered across the United States. In those days, if you wanted spa luxury, you had to foot the bill and make the time commitment. As you can imagine, this severely limited the spa customer base to the privileged.

Today, there are thousands of day spas, and you can find one in almost every community. Day spas are different from their luxury spa counterparts in that customers have the option of visiting for an entire day, a half day or just an hour or two. There are no overnight stays and no week-long package commitments. In a day spa, you can get premium services just like those found in the traditional spas, but for a lot less time and money.

So, what types of services can you get in a day spa? Virtually everything from facials, massage, body wraps, sunless tanning, pedicures, manicures, electrolysis, hair services, make-up applications, hair color, lunch... you name it.

Here's a brief look at some popular day spa packages:

* $125 to $175 will get you three-hour classic salon/spa experience including manicure with paraffin treatment, pedicure, scalp treatment, shampoo and styling, massage or mini-facial.

* $75 to $100 will get you a two-hour body treatment with exfoliation, massage and steam bath

* For $300 to $500, you can get pampered for the whole day and choose from a host of services. You will also be served meals during your day-long stay.

And don't think that day spas skimp on luxury. Many spas offer limousine services and treat their clients like they are royalty no matter what walk of life they come from. For this reason, day spa gift certificates have become extremely popular gifts. When you give a day spa gift certificate, you are giving a luxurious gift of indulgence to your loved one. What better way is there to say that they've worked hard and deserve a little bit of the finer things in life?

When choosing a day spa, keep in mind that different spas offer different services. In many cases, day spas are ran in conjunction with a full-service beauty salon. That means that you can choose from a wide variety of services. Other day spas, though, may only offer massage and skin-care services without offering hair and nail services. You should also shop around. Prices from spa to spa can vary considerably.

So, if you want to be pampered but have little money and even less time, perhaps a day spa is the perfect compromise that you've been looking for. But be forewarned, day spas can be addictive.

A Study In Banjo Lessons

Ah, I remember the good old days when I had my first banjo lesson. Actually, it wasn't exactly my first lesson. I had been using the internet to improve my "skill" for a while, and I was slightly conceited since I thought I had some idea about what I was doing. I watched videos of a real expert playing the banjo while the tabs were available as well. I learned a few songs and techniques that sounded interesting, but that was about the extent of my knowledge.

When I had my first real lesson, it broke down all those illusions I had of being a decent player. I tried to show off, but as soon as his deep eyes met mine I missed a chord. It was my first time to ever play any instrument in front of anyone, and I didn't think I would get nervous. After all, I've always been a gifted public speaker. The only one in the room was my teacher, and I was having a terrible time.

I'm having a hard time seeing my future in banjo playing, especially since I can't even whack up the ginger to play something in front of my own teacher. He's a nice guy, and he can play the banjo like no other. He's already taught me several exercise I can use for my next lesson. It's also a great experience just to watch him play, since his skill far outweighs mine. I just hope I will sound at least slightly more decent the next time I have a lesson.

But if I always freeze up when I try to play at my lessons, I'm worried that my instructor will never be able to give me the help I truly need. It's impossible to get feedback and constructive criticism if everything I play is absolute garbage. I think I will start recording my lone practice and playing it back for him. Hopefully I won't freeze up just knowing that he will be listening to it soon…

Buying A Watch As A Gift

A nice quality designer watch will be a much appreciated by either gender. A fine quality designer watch will always make a big impression.
Tak the time to consider some of our suggestions and this will go a long way to helping you make the right choice.

The first thing you need to do is do a little research to discover what the person likes.
Consider your options: gold, white gold, silver, platinum, stainless steel, leather bands, etc.

Each of these options has its own style and makes its own statement. Take the time to choose the one most fitting for the recipient.

Select a basic watch style. General watch types include the mechanical wind-up types, self-winding and quartz, which are powered by batteries.

Look for extra features, such as a built-in calendar, an appointment alarm, a heartbeat monitor, etc. Have fun customizing the watch to the recipient's specific lifestyle.

Shop only within your price range, watches can run upward of $10,000, so set a range first and then limit your shopping to your budget.

From complicated watches made for divers or trekkers to fashionable watches that do a bit more than tell time, sports watches are all the rage.

Choose a sports watch with basic features if you're not buying it for a specific sport. These include alarm(s), water resistance, a timer or stopwatch function, an illuminator and the original band.

Opt for more advanced features if you know they will be used by the wearer. These can include altimeter, barometer, thermometer, compass and data-link features.

Choose a sport-specific watch if you know what sports the recipient enjoys. These include specialized watches for divers, runners, surfers, etc.

Be sure the band will fit comfortably around the person's wrist. It should be somewhat adjustable.

Check the guarantee and return policies so that the watch can be returned if another model is desired.

Set the watch to the correct time prior to wrapping.

If the watch is quartz, include an extra battery wrapped as a present topper.

Pros And Cons Of Buying On Ebay

In today's fast changing world of e-commerce like E-bay, people find shopping online the most convenient way of purchasing items. The fact that a person doesn't even have to drive to and from the store is exhilarating enough.

To date, E-bay is the most celebrated and the most world-renowned online mall today.

However, there are advantages as well as disadvantages when buying on E-bay. So, it's important for shoppers out there to take not of these facts before buying items on E-bay.


1. It's relatively simple and within reach.

Why? Because eBay makes ones shopping spree just a click away.

2. Great access.

With E-bay, buying items had never been this varied.

3. It's twice as fun.

With colorful graphics, unusual items, and weird but quirky listings, entertainment is just around the corner.

4. A viable online price indicator.

Buying on E-bay can give a shopper an insight and update on the present price of certain commodities these days.

5. Money-back possibility.

Most often than not, there's a higher chance of getting back the buyer's money if things slipped up.


1. "In good condition" not guaranteed.

There may be a lot of sellers who use the words "in good condition," but because the buyer cannot visually and personally examine the item before purchasing it, most often than not, the items sold were definitely not scratch free.

2. Additional postal fees.

The common delivery method of items bought by the buyer is through mail; additional charges screw up thereby adding hefty charges just for the delivery alone, plus most transactions are on international basis, so international rates applies.

3. Lack of human touch.

There are people who still prefer to go to the mall not just because they want to go shopping but also they want to tag their friends along, have coffee breaks, and chat along the way.

Buying on e-bay may provide an interactive mode of shopping but it's not a form of socialization.

4. Too risky.

If Internet is jungle, then there might be big bad wolves lurking on E-bay ready to gobble probable victims. These refer to scams, frauds, and identity theft.

5. A form of enslavement.

Once hooked, shoppers will never get the hang of it. There were cases wherein people buy things on E-bay almost everyday. After all, with the convenience online shopping and credit cards give, who wouldn't?

Just like any financial decisions, it still pays for shoppers to contemplate first on things before jumping into conclusions.

Blog Waiter - How To Get Tips From Your Blogging That Pay Big Time!

Blogs and blogging are sweeping the internet. They are all the rage as a hobby, writing exercise, and even a career for some. In fact, it is even becoming more common that bloggers are seeking a way to make money. Be it via advertising or affiliations, they each have their own way of pursuing that writing career by way of the blog. There is another way, though. There is an alternate way to make a little extra money by blogging. That way is not unlike the way waiters, cab drivers, and even bellhops add to their income: the tip. Wait a minute! How do you get tips from your blogging? There are ways, and if you read on you will see that they aren't as difficult as you might think.

First of all, if you want people to tip you for your blog, you have to give them a reason for doing it. You need to be providing very good information or highly entertaining copy that makes them feel like you earned it. In essence, you are the web equivalent to a street performer by working for tips. So, like that street performer, you owe your audience something that makes them feel like you are worth their money. So polish your writing, update it often, keep it fresh, and stay true to the topics your readers are used to. If you are all over the place, you won't be able to build the loyal audience necessary when you go to start asking for tips. Basically, the start of it all is your content. Just like with any other money making web venture, your content is going to go a long way. So to get started earning tips from your blogging, make sure you give the audience a reason.

Once you have your content set up, you need to promote it. Asking for tips won't do you a bit of good if you don't have an audience to ask. Market your blog, market your topics, and target those search engines. Don't do any of it at the expense of the quality of your content, but make sure you are getting something going in the way of marketing. Register with blog directories, post to other people's blogs, and generally get your name and blog site out there so that you will drive an audience into what is hopefully quality, informative, and or entertaining content. Again, if there is nobody at the site then asking for a tip is not going to do you a lot of good.

Next, since you have set up your content to be useful and entertaining to a particular audience and you have begun to get your blog marketed, you are almost ready for those tips. However, there needs to be some sort of vehicle available to your readers to get the tips to you. I mean if they have to do a lot of work to get money to you then you probably shouldn't count on the money rolling in. There are a number of online methods available for receiving payments via email or the web. It would be wise to have one located prominently on your blog so that if a reader is stuck with the desire to tip you, he or she can do so with ease and without a lot of time that may result in rethinking the tip. Remember, this is something you want to happen when your quality and entertainment is fresh in their minds.

Finally, if you really want to earn tips from blogging, then you should probably ask for them in some way. You can do so in the blog posts or even with some sort of message on the main page of your blog that states that tips are appreciated and are the way you fund the blog. Either way, you need to make it clear to the readers that you are reliant on their generosity without sounding like you are hard selling, or worse, begging.

Blogging can be a lot of fun, and can actually make you a little money if you are willing to work hard at it. One way of making that money is by earning tips from your readers. There are some things that you need to get in place though to make that work. Make sure you have quality content, market your site, set up a method for receiving the tips, and be sure to ask for them. If you do those things, then you can be earning tips from your blog before you know it.